Otras actividades de impresión y artes gráficas

sin logotipo

Cornellà de Llobregat - Bajo Llobregat (Barcelona - Cataluña)


Artes gráficas y servicios relacionados con las mismas

Productos y servicios

Impresión de etiquetas de flexografía, impresión digital y en offset

Otras actividades de impresión y artes gráficas

Otras actividades de impresión y artes gráficas

Other printing

The company is engaged in graphic art printing industry. It was incorporated in January 1994 and conducts business activities from its registered office in Cornella De Llobregat, Spain. The company is a reliable provider of the following products: brochures, carton packaging, promotions and publicity campaigns, magazines, books, adhesive labels, exhibitions, and PLV materials. The company's products are being negotiated and distributed in countries on all five continents in cooperation with its business partners and affiliated businesses. In addition, the company has its own fleet of personal specialized in logistics which coordinates in the distribution of the parcels, promotions and campaigns to wherever its clients require them.
Datos de contacto
Dirección postal

CALLE CROM, 17 - - 19 PARC. 75

CP: 129001 - CORNELLA DE LLOBREGAT (Barcelona)

Tlf: +34 934709001
Fax: +34 934742760

Web: www.dilograf.com